Young Voices Have Your Say

What: A series of regional consultations with young people on how they can be more fully included in society. These consultations are part of a European wide initiative ‘Structured Dialogue’ giving young people all over Europe an opportunity to influence decisions affecting their lives. What participants say will feed into a Youth Conference being held during the Irish Presidency of the European Union in March 2013.

On the day the young people will talk about questions such as:

  • What does social inclusion mean to you and other young people?
  • What young people in Ireland are most at risk of social exclusion and at what stages in their lives?
  • How can youth work and other activities that support young people play a role in promoting inclusion?

Who can attend: Any young person between 15 and 30 years of age. There will also be an opportunity for youth leaders and youth workers to share their views on the day.

Where and when:

  • Sligo, Saturday 26th January 2013 from 11am – 3.30pm (registration at 10.30am)
  • Cork, Saturday 2nd February 2013 from 11am – 3.30pm (registration at 10.30am)
  • Dublin, Saturday 9th February 2013 from 11am – 3.30pm (registration at 10.30am)

Travel costs and food: Your travel costs will be reimbursed on the day (based on public transport rates – unless public transport is not feasible) and lunch will be provided.

Book your place now!

Attendance is free but places are limited so please book your place now!

To book click here: For further information email: or call: 086 455 8881