Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness

The Andy Morgan Foundation Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness

The Andy Morgan Foundation was set up in 2011 by Andy’s partner Joanne Featherston. Andy took his own life on New Years Eve 2010 there were no signs, no clues that Andy had been feeling depressed or low in himself. Joanne and her family and friends were devastated and in total shock.

The aim of the Andy Morgan Foundation is to spread the message of HOPE, Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness and to let people know “You are not alone”.

Joanne has made a documentary about Andy, his life, the lead up to his death and life afterwards. The piece looks at the man himself and the family and friends he left behind. Made with Near TV called Andy Morgan A Story which is on YouTube.

We have opened two centres: This service is FREE OF CHARGE.

The Andy Morgan Foundation HOPE Centre

Is a support group/drop in centre for anyone who is or has been affected Suicide & Mental Health Issues. We are there to listen, offer support, chat and provide information in further available services in a relaxed, friendly and non judgemental environment.

The Ballymun Civic Centre
1st Floor
Every Wednesday 6pm-8pm
All Welcome

Supported by Dublin City Council

The Andy Morgan HOPE Centre

Is a support group/drop in centre for anyone who is or has been affected Suicide & Mental Health Issues. We are there to listen, offer support, chat and provide information in further available services in a relaxed, friendly and non judgemental environment.

Crosscare Finglas (Beside Citizens Advice)
2B FinglasVillage Centre
Dublin 11
Every Friday 10am – 12pm
All Welcome

Supported by Crosscare

For more information about The Andy Morgan Foundation you can find us on Facebook: